Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What's an RRSP Mortgage ?

As soon as your RRSP equals the amount you owe on your mortgage - you can set up what is called a Self Directed RRSP Mortgage and use the RRSP to completely pay off the mortgage.
You then set up a plan to pay back your RRSP over the next 25 years. And here is the best part - you pay interest on the RRSP Mortgage to yourself - not the bank.

For example, if you set up a 10 year RRSP mortgage ammortized over 25 years you can be paying yourself 8% interest - back into your RRSP. If you invest the monthly payments into a GIC at 4% - It's like making 12% compounded interest on your RRSP.
This type of Mortgage can only be set up through a Self-Directed Plan such as with TDWaterhouse.
There are legal fees (about $600) to discharge your current mortgage as well as CMHC Insurance on the new RRSP Mortgage.(minimal) + an annual plan fee of $200. But if you consider what you are saving on monthly interest payments to the Bank (ie:6% x $100,000 = $6,000/yr) You are way ahead.

This concept works especially well when your mortgage is over $100,000 and you have 25 years before you will need your RRSP.

Of course you "could" do better (or worse) in the Stock Market - but where can you earn 12% on a $100,000 investment without any risk. All Interest payments go to you rather than the Bank. The RRSP Mortgage is a well kept Secret. And now you know why....


  1. RRSP mortgages will save your portfolio from ruin. It did for me now I teach others how to do the same. www.rrspmortgageinvestor.com

  2. The only problem is that you end up loaning to a potential deadbeat. ;)

    Kidding aside, I think you can avoid CMHC insurance fees if you have 25% equity in your house, no? It has been a while since I looked into it but that is another fee you can avoid

  3. Thanks David. We had about 50 % paid and still had to pay CMHC Insurance on the Self-Directed RRSP Mortgage - it was .1 of 1 % though I think - maybe $100.... Luckily we emptied out our RRSP before the Collapse in 2008. Pure Luck !

  4. This RSP mortgage are really very pretty cool to invest it. Here more facilities are there. So its a best time to buy it.

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  6. Super article. I'll send this to my brother in Canada.

  7. Never heard this before. IS it True ?

  8. Great article. I'll do this also.

  9. I think in the long run, paying off mortgage may be a step in the right direction.

  10. RRSP is a type of canadian account for holding savings and investment assets. The RRSP's purpose is to promote savings for retirement by employees. It must comply with a variety of restrictions stipulated in the canadian income tax act.

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  12. I am astonished at how many errors and/or misconceptions there are in this article...buyer (of this advice) beware!!!

  13. Like what ? PLease share your knowledge Anonymous.

  14. Super. We just set this up. Thanks so much for making this known. Much Appreciated.
